Missed All-Star Mondays this week? No worries, baby, Butter Nugg Cookies is BACK tomorrow at the Spaceship DC with plenty of great flowers, rosin, vape carts, and of course, their signature cookies. The address is 2452 18th St NW (in Adams Morgan), $10 cover at the door. But if you're busy hunting cryptids on Friday, no sweat. Butter Nugg & Friends will return for the next edition of All-Star Mondays! Come smoke, dab and chill with Washington DC's Elite Vendors at one of the only true I-71 Compliant events. ALL-STAR MONDAYS @thespaceshipdc Event hours are 4:20pm-12am, 21+ with a valid ID, NO EXCEPTIONS. Veterans free with military ID. $5 at the door for a one night membership (same address, 2452 18th St NW).