...reviews and brands in my city.
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Bodybuilders and farmers both hate to pass up an easy performance booster. Whether it’s pumping up those sweat-glistening biceps, or stackin’ more junk on the trunk of a nice fall...
CloudN Nebula Namaste, my tiny, terrible tamarins! It's fall, so of course there's new everything to talk about. New music from Gentleman favorites PVRIS, Nothing...
Sep 12, 2017
Da DoGooders is one of the Gentleman's favorite cannabis gift delivery brands in DC- I'm sure you've heard me mention them once or twice- so...
Sep 7, 2017
Happy Labor Day weekend, folks! Autumn is the city's best season, the constant, beatdown heat and humidity of summer replaced with moderate temps, a cool...
Sep 3, 2017
Hello again, DC! If you're wondering where your new amigo Judge Bud Green has been (awwwww), blame Pink Rabbit Collective! This Initiative 71 canna-brand's delightful...
Sep 1, 2017
Alright, alright, I found my DC pals some great vape carts for delivery. You can stop @ing me! Please don't, it's the only human interaction...
Aug 31, 2017
The royal G. Toker recently noticed that I haven’t been reviewing anything but concentrates. “Too much cannabis oil”. HAH! Lay off the Fake News, will ya?...
i502 Drew
Aug 29, 2017
Well, well. It's Friday night and you're probably out doing something, like waiting in line to sit in the Iron Throne at that trendy pop-up...
Aug 26, 2017
Awww, man. No super powers. No demons running amok. How long do I have to wait for the apocalypse, huh? I really don't see how...
Aug 22, 2017
Welcome back, my elegant, enraged emus! Today we're going to look at XtraGramSam, a brand we found on DC cannabis gift-finder LeafedIn.org. Don't forget to...
Aug 18, 2017
Well, damn, folks. Reviewing my notes, it doesn't look like we've got much good flowers left to write home about from Las Vegas. Lots of...
Aug 15, 2017
Landrace Labs vs Dogtown Pioneers Heya, folks, it's i502 Drew here with more advice for you jet-setting dabbers that want to see what kind of...
Aug 13, 2017
'ullo, my duckies! Busy week, boy howdy. I dunno about you guys, but I'm very much looking forward to some Honeycomb dabs from Honeycomb Labs...
Aug 11, 2017
Greetings, Tokers! It’s i502drew, your Seattle-ite Satellite, broadcasting my Alpha waves direct to your eye-brains! There’s been considerable chit-chat about a heat wave around here,...
Aug 8, 2017
ROIL Extracts Shatter | ROIL Extracts East is hard to miss on Instagram these days and after seeing a billion pictures of their beautiful extractions...
Aug 6, 2017
Welcome back, folks, it's i502drew coming to ya from Seattle, WA, where there’s more weed stores than Trump supporters. Let’s briefly consider the impact of...
Aug 4, 2017
Honeycomb concentrate from Cannavative in Las Vegas is the subject of today’s review and if you’re wondering why all the intros must begin with something...
Aug 1, 2017
Although cannabis cannot yet be certified organic (because it's federally illegal), Puffin Farms' excellent flowers are probably as close as it gets. They used to...
Jul 31, 2017
Step with me, won't you friends, through Bodhi High's Vortex for your latest review from the other Washington. You know, the big 'un, next to...
Jul 26, 2017
DC's favorite cannabis-infused syrup, the infamous SLACTAVIS from Dr. Brokeleg, will be the subject of your Gentleman's review today. If you patronize the District's marijuana...
Jul 24, 2017
Alright, not every little corner of cannabis-legal Las Vegas was the best ever, as evidenced by this Bakked CO2 Distillate I picked up at one...
Jul 22, 2017
Psst. Part 1 of i502 Drew's Spokane Top Shelf Showdown featuring the ooh-la-la cultivars he obtained at Satori North is right here. FYI, most of...
Jul 18, 2017
SHANGO made my list of Vegas dispensaries to check out since they were also a cultivation center (meaning they grow the flowers there, too, as...
Jul 15, 2017
We're gonna scoot back to Denver today and review some of the fabulous Purple Rockstar Terp Jelly from Double Black Extracts that I purchased at...
Jul 12, 2017
Monday, July 10th, what am I missing? Says concentrated marijuana day here at Satori North. Huh. If you think Hallmark has the most experience inventing...
Joint Delivery Co. is the newest kid on the block bringing the herbal heat (like shatter from Honeycomb Labs) to the District. Did you ever imagine...
Jul 11, 2017
Ahh, our other favorite holiday has arrived and GT has got some Moxie. 7/10, baby! For those not up to speed, 710 means "oil," which...
Jul 10, 2017
I just found out about the most awesome new delivery brand, DCBudHub, and wanted to tell you beautiful people about it right away! DCBudHub does what...
Jul 9, 2017
Fans of DC's favorite cannabis-infused syrup, your rejoicement is nigh, for Dr. Brokeleg's SLACTAVIS is NOW AVAILABLE from our good friends at Da DoGooders for...
Jul 7, 2017
Gelato Flowers from Capital Buds Alright, my precious, penumbral pets, your patience is finally rewarded! Your Gentleman has returned from the desert- 110 degrees and...
Jul 5, 2017
Walden Pineapple BHO Greetings again, my friends. It's July 4th, folks, and you know what that means! Yes, indeed, today will be the 2nd highest...
Jul 4, 2017